There are currently 5 members of the Six Nations Cannabis Commission.
Vacant – Chief Commissioner
Carl Hill – Commissioner
Vacant – Commissioner
Vacant – Commissioner
Jami-Lee Baxter – Acting Chair Commissioner
Mike Commandant – Six Nations Community Member Cannabis Commission Advisor
Commissioners are appointed by Six Nations of the Grand River to terms of varying length.
The Six Nations Cannabis Commission (SNCC), founded in 2019, was established to develop a legal cannabis regulator regime to support community-owned and operated cannabis business within the Six Nations community. The SNCC is working with industry experts and community members to develop a framework that will allow for the production and sale of cannabis products at Six Nations. Health and safety, protecting our environment and self-determination will serve as the North Star for the Commission as we make decisions. Our role is to ensure those in the cannabis business meet health and safety standards and not to micromanage the day to day business decisions of entrepreneurs through unnecessary red tape.
The SNCC is excited to work with our community members to shape the future of the cannabis industry here at Six Nations. We are always looking for input from the community, even those who are not commissioners.
In 2019, SNGR established the Six Nations Cannabis Commission (“SNCC”) to implement the SNCCL and regulate the cannabis economy.
The Commission identified four (4) key guiding principles for executing their mandate:
1.Protection of Health & Safety
2.Protection of the Environment
3.Community Contribution
4.Prevention of a monopoly on the cannabis economy.