1. Pursuant to section 55.(1) of the Six Nations of the Grand River Cannabis Control Regulations, the Six Nations Cannabis Commission (the “Commission”) may publish a list of sacred words, phrases, symbols or brand elements that license holders shall not be permitted to use in the promotion of cannabis, including on any cannabis retail product, or on or in any cannabis retail store or on any cultivation or manufacturing facility.

2. On December 8, 2021, by unanimous resolution, the Commission ordered the removal of subsection 55.(1)(v) “any word in a Haudenosaunee Language.”

3. The Order is effective as of December 8, 2021, and shall continue in effect until such time that the Commission issues an order repealing or varying the Order.

4. The Commission directs that this Notice of Order be published on the Commission’s website to provide notice to Six Nations of the Grand River community members of the foregoing referenced Order.

Notice here: Notice of Order under S. 55 of SNGRCC Regulations (Jan 19 22)